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"For Lenders You Can Trust Look For The Borrow Smart Seal."





This web page is to assist in coordinating activities for attending the city of Birmingham's hearing for a short-term lending moratorium.  Check back often for updates.

Other important links......

-- Additional information on the hearing including Q&A.

-- Overview of the moratorium

-- Enter your contact information

October 26, 2011 -- Second Update -- Please work hard to find employees who are willing to testify!  The hearing could be as early as next Tuesday, November 2nd.  Even if your customers will not agree to attend the hearing we want to talk with them about a letter of recommendation.  We will draft the letter for them so all they have to do is okay and sign it.  Please keep working at this. 

Also, we will soon be reaching out to all of you with instructions for your store employees to attend the hearing as a show of support.  So please be thinking of who will attend from your company.

Scroll down below for more information.

October 18, 2011 -- First Update -- Please identify your customers who you believe will attend a hearing.  We need a minimum of three to five names per store.

We need to begin identifying customers in our stores who will attend a council hearing at Birmingham city hall NOW (click here for more on the hearing).  As you all know, it is the folks on the front lines – district managers and store managers – who know your customers best. Based on our experience in lining up customers for media interviews, the most efficient way to get to customers is for you to provide a manager or two from your company who would be willing to help. Robin's group will then call those managers directly and explain what we are looking for and solicit their help in identifying the best customers for the job. It really works best when they can speak directly with the people in your company who interact with customers regularly.

The first contact should be made by the local store manager and the goal of that phone call is only to get them to agree to speak with Robin (who works for Borrow Smart in setting up these meetings).  We will be asking the managers to help us identify customers who have used short term lending wisely, who appreciate the product, and (ideally) who can articulate their story in a professional way. We are looking for customers who are a good representation of hard-working Alabamians with jobs and bank accounts who deserve access to short term, small dollar loans. Think of customers who are outgoing, who have an outstanding relationship with you and your store, who appreciate your services and who use them for the right reasons.

Please reach out to your customers NOW to determine if they will agree to speak with Robin.  Keep the contact information and good notes on any relevant information about the customer and we will contact you for the information in then next few days.  If you have questions, please feel free to drop us an email (click here) with your questions.

Remember, we need a minimum of three to five names per store!

BEFORE YOU REACH OUT TO CUSTOMERS, please complete the form below for those in your company who will be the branch contacts or company contact for this initiative if you have not already done so.  If there is more than one contact (i.e., branch), just enter each individually.  This will be the person we contact before we reach out to the customer.

Thanks much!


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